The land survey is complete, and Yavapai County has accepted the parcel split permit. The survey revealed that the original parcel size was 16.64 acres, not 19.5, per the county records. Maughan Ranches acknowledged the difference, and the survey moved forward with the split, which resulted in the donated land portion being 10.1 acres.
The survey and appraisal were completed. Thank you, Lindon Gareis, for providing the appraiser with the needed information.
Donations: We have received donations of $5,200.00 thus far, of which we have spent $4,070.00 on the survey, permit, and appraisal.
Timeline for Transfer: While we had hoped to complete this process by now, we believe it will more likely be early/mid-April.
Next Committee Meeting: TBA
Karen Stafford
Peeples Valley Fire Department Corporation & Auxiliary
Email: auxiliary@peeplesvalleyfire.org