Weaver Mountains Living

Weaver Mountains Firewise® Communities
The Weaver Mountains Communities Firewise® Initiative, managed by the Peeples Valley Fire District, has been funded through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fire Prevention, and Safety Program: communities through a collaborative effort in Congress, Kirkland, Yarnell, Peeples Valley, Ruger Ranch, Wilhoit, Skull Valley, and Wickenburg.
This initiative is working as an additional branch resource for Yavapai Firewise.
Some of the benefits of being in an NFPA Nationally Recognized Firewise® Community are the reduction of homeowner insurance costs, retention of insurance coverage in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), increasing your home’s survivability in the event of wildfire, and grant opportunities for homeowners that assist in reducing or removing wildland hazardous fuels. These benefits are attained through Fire District/Department risk assessment, mitigation, education, and improved protection of properties from wildfires. There are a multitude of educational and outreach opportunities available to our stakeholders.
We look forward to bringing this all-important program to The Weaver Mountains Communities and your participation in making all our communities safe from the wildfire threat. If you and members of your community would like more information, please select the contact link for more information.